Samstag, 25. Januar 2014

Fishing & Australian Day

Hey people all over the world..
Annabelle came over the night o fthe last post. We spend the main part of our time together in the pool and it was just lik eit is supposed to be... music, sun and pool (: We also watched a couple movies and talked a lot. It's good to have another German in Australia and it's awesome if this German just came from Germany and can tell you everything about it! (: We also shared a few German sweets & chocolat :P
The next day I went with Levi and Norm into town to get some things done. I finally got the photos I made with the underwater camera of my shorkelling trip in Airlie Beach.. can xouimagine that? I forgot about it all summerholidays long but  they luckily still had the photos. (: At this night, we got our new boat. Peter sold our biggest one and got a new one instead, an even bigger one. :P And because I am crazy but I wanna experience something, I said yes when Wade asked me if I wanted to come woth the boys the next day fishing.
So I woke up at 4.30 am the next day, we left here at 5 am & went to the survey to buy drinks and food and fuel for the day. Have you ever spend $300 on fuel?! Ô.o And the tank of the boat wasn't even full.. you can fit 550 litres in there what is fuel for about $ 700.. Ô.Ô
The new boat (: 
Anyway, Peter, Wade, Azza (Pete's mate from the camping trip), another oneof Peter's friends and I left the harbour at about 5.50 am. We cruised around a lot and tried differnet fishing spots and fished and Pete and this other mate weent speer fishing once, but didn't get anything. We end up with 9 mackerels and one big yellow finned tuna. I caught 4 little fish but one got half eaten by a shark on his way to the surface, so I actually only caught 3 and a half. All uneatable. :P But I did the winding for Azza and Pete a few times when they had hooked a fish. Omg, that is so hard work, it's unbelievable! & my complete left arm, especially my wrist and my left hip really hurt now. Because of the fishing rod. But I feel that I did something and that's good. (: The boat is just huge. Nice and big and with heaps of room. And yesterday I also found out that I don't get sea sick. That's something good, no? (: After we cleaned the boast we cut the fish. And
That's what we've caught
we tried some raw tuna meat with soy sauce and later on with lime. First time in my life that I ate raw fish, yay! And it wasn't even that bad. Tasted mainly like soy sauce or lime. :P

We had fish and chips with salad for diner, yuuum! (x And at 10 pm I was sleeping. Omg, I was seriously dead. I nearly fell asleep a couple of times on the boat that tired was I. :O
Today is Australian Day and we have a big party here. I get picked up at midday from the Cameron's and I will spend the day with them and go to Levi's gig. I am actually very glad not to be here today. It's already too much for me to feel really
comfortable and the party haven't even started yet. Too many too old people without my kind of humor. Too muchalcohol and too many noises until too late at nighttime. Too much stuff  that's not very pleasant. So I am VERY happy to be with the Cameron's, that will be better in every case. (: I'll stay the night and the Monday at their place and then we'll see what happens on Tuesday. My last day of holidays. :'(

Oh well, I'll hear soon from you. (: Probably after the holidays. :'(
Kathi (:

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014

End of the Holidays...

I have really bad news.. the holidays are nearly over by now. :(
But wait, don't you let me confuse you! I'll tell you in order what happened since the last post.

Well, the day after the post, I had a really relaxed morning. I had breakie and a cleaning attac. I cleaning my WHOLE freaking room and seriously every little bit of it. It nealry looked like I just moved in again. (: I had a swim in the pool and later on, Levi came from Jackson's place over to my place.  We sorted a few things out here and had a talk to Antonia and Wade (who was just home again) and then we left together on our bikes. Puuuh it is hard to ride a bike without any gears man! Ô.o I nearly died on the way, even if the road is nearly flat Ô.o  This day was the birthday of Levi's dad. So I brought him a couple of packages of original and imported German gingerbread as a present. This night, we went out for diner and met a few friends and family. (: The next day, Levi and I made a really yummy chocolate-banana cake. And I helped him cleaning his guitar cases and we went all together to town to get a few things. & because I really didn't feel like going home at all, I asked Antonia relly friendly if I could stay another night. Her message didn't seem very exited about that, but in the end she proposed that I even should stay a third night at Levi's place as she and Wade went out for the tea the next day. So I happily did.
We actually didn't really do much the next two days. We cleaned Levi's old car (it's actually not his, but they call it his) and that was the first time I actually polished a freakingcar from the inside and outside and from the bottom to the top. Ô.o And I realised that I can be quiet fun, but I won't ever be something I love to do.
Jackson came over and stayed the night as well. This evening, Levi had another acustic gig with Jackob (the singer of the band), their second one. It was really really good this time. They sounded great and there were people dancing and everything. (: Good job boys! (I just didn't take any photos or anything this time! I'm sorry :/)
Anyway, when I came home on Saturday night, we had a big party here at my place. Ô.o Well, it's actually not too bad that I missed it. They are never reeeeally fun for me anyway.
The next day was actually really good. I had relly really fun with my hostfamily and we went for a swim in the pool all together and laughted and everything. :D That night was the first one in ages that I actually went to bed early. Mainly because I had to wake up the next day at 5 am to go fishing iwth Levi and his dad.
We caught two fish this time. Levi got the big one, I got the pretty one. :P It was okay, but not as good as the last time.. we were home at about midday and stayed busy the whole day long. Otherwise I would have fell asleep straight away, so tired was I Ô.o We cleaned the boat and went to town and made the fish for diner and watched Avatar at nighttime (Levi haven't had seen it before this time proply! Is that believable! Ô.o) Yesterday, we spent our time mainly on cleaning the complete padio. ^.^ Something to do..

I am home again and will be here for the last remaining week of holidays! :'( Nooo! The longest summerholidays of my life are nearly over. And I am really glad that they weren't boring at all. Thanks to Levi and his family <3
Annabelle will come to my place tonight and stay until tomorrow late afternoon. I will spend Sunday, Australian Day with the Cameron's again. The band has a gig somewhere 3 hours drive from Mackay and I prefer to be with them than join the party at my place. Too many people, too many people that aren't my friends and too many drunk people. Ô.o
That's about it. I will probably spend the rest of the time with sorting things out or playing finally (I wanna do that since weeks! O.o) computer games and relaxing. That will do, hei? (:

Okay, hear from you soon! I am sorry if this post is a little longer again... :/ But well.
Byebye! Kathi

Montag, 13. Januar 2014

Happy New Year people!

HAAAAPPY NEW YEEEAR EVERYONE! (: I wish you all the best for this new year and hope that you all achieve what you want to achieve in the next 12 months! (:
I had a really good start in the new year! (x
If you look close enough, you can see a cow and a horse
After I finished the last post in the morning of the 31st, I got picked up by Levi. That is the reason why I couldn't post any photos in the last post. But I changed that now and if you go back and have a look: there
 are a few photos now. Anyway, we drove all together (Levi and family, Liam and family, Jakob (singer of the band) and other people I don't know) to Nebo, the rodeo place where the band had a gig at New Year's eve. I shared a room with the boys and we had fun I would say. ^.^ It was my first rodeo in my life and it's actually pretty cool, I enjoyed it! (:
We went to bed at about 4 am, after the gig and after a shower and had to wake up 4 hours later. Ô.o I was tired man! Somehow I survived the day anyway without a little snooze. Levi, Norm (his dad) and I did some jobs around the house on the first of Janurary but we tried to go to bed quiet early because we had to get up
early at the next day. And at 6am I was awake at the second of Janurary. We had breakfast at the airport and then the flight of the Camerons was on and mine was on an hour later. I enjoyed the flight actually, I was still (or again) tired :P and I listened to music and relaxed.
I can't tell you what we've done at all the days in the right order and in detail, but I can tell you th emost imporant things we've done. (: We went shopping a few times (I got a new dress and two pairs of new shoes after I really couldn't wear my old ones. Even if I'd liked to. And I got a new pair of sunnies and the movie Despicable Me 2. And a Tshirt of the Gold coast!). We went to nighttime events like Dracula's and the revolving restaurant and to theme parks like Dreamworld an Wet'n'Wild and we went to the Australian Zoo! I LOVE zoos! I patted a koala and kangaroos and I saw tigers and heeeeaps of snakes and emus and wombats! And we went to the crocodile show which was really good because they fed the crocs in front of everyone. Ô.o
We also went to the speedway. Thats a racing track for speedcars. We watched the final of the Australian Titles of the World Series Speedcars. Dont ask me what that means in detail, there were just fast cars driving
Old shoes Ô.o 
New shoes (:
 in an oval. :D And it was really really dirty and you got all dusty and everything. (: Was really good.! We went and played pat pat what was really fun. :P I spent 24/7 with Levi and we sometimes went together somewhere just on our own. (: We had a couple of times just alone at home as well and we shared a bed room. :P But (and that really surprised me) we didn't get sick of each other and had always a good time. (:

Heaps of Speedcars before the final..
Speedcars. (:
Waiting for the race to begin (: 
All together, I had an awesome time in Brisbane and at the Gold Coast and I am SO glad that I got invited by the Camerons! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT! <3
We came home at the 12th of Janurary and we had the fish we caught before the holidays when we went fishing for diner. This home cooked meal was SO beautiful after 12 days fast food and restaurant meals! <3
The guitar came with, of course :P
Now I am home again and I still have another 2 and a half weeks of holidays. (: I have nothing planned anymore, so I'll sleep a lot and do something with friends. Antonia goes back to work next week already. Peter changed his work raster and works now every week from Tuesday to Friday. So he'll be home every weekend from now on.
I will go to Levi's place tomorrow and spend there the night as well. That  are all the plans I have until now. Not very many, I know. Ô.o

I'll let you know if something else happens! Love to yous all!

PS: I received a very lovely postcard from the Krautis and from my little sister, klein F! Thank you very much yous both! I loove the cards! <3
And I finally received a rarcel full of gingerbread from Opapi! :O Thank you VERY much for that! I will share with everyone of course, otherwise I'll drown in gingerbread! :OO <3

Dreamworld! (:

Us in front of the nocturnal Brisbane 

Croc in the Australia Zoo! 

& I even touched one (a little one but ^.^) 

Did I mention the snakes before? Ô.o

Sleepy wombat! How CUUUTE! <3

The kangaroo kicked Levi before. Now he's complaining. :P 

THAT is Australia. Sleepy Australia but. 

They are feeding  the crocodile.. 

And again. It's hungry. 

The Cameron Family. (: I reckon you can literally see in their faces that it was hot and exhausting, hei?