Hey people,
let me tell you about yesterday. (:
I woke up early at 8 am because my hostparents and I went to town at about 9am. But the waking up early wasn't that bad to be honest. I survived it.
Shane, Jarrod and Shayna (: |
Well, I said to Shayna, Shane and Jarrod that we'll meet in Caneland shopping central at 9am. But because we had to go Gemma's place first to drop her a pillow off and of course, to have a looooong chat with her, I got to Canelands at 10am. Ô.o And then I couldn't find Shane and Shayna. But because yesterday was a beautiful day, I didn't worry about that too much and went into Big W to get the photos I need for the christmas present for my hostfamily, a photo album with photos of the camping trip we've done together in
Oktober 2013. I met Kathleen (the German girl that lives in Australia since 6 years or something like that) at the photo-station in Big W. She got some photos as well and helped me with mine because I didn't know what to do. First point on my shopping list was done.
MY crsipello! ^.^ |
After that, I found Shane, Shayna and Jarrod outside of Big W and we went to the post office to get my christmas cards on their way. Second and also last point on the shopping list done. :P
The rest of our time we spent together in the food court of Canelands and ate and talked and had fun. ^.^ I tried Crispello for the first time.. yeah it's alright but not as good as Kinder Bueno. :P
Anyway, at about 2pm I got picked up by Antonia and Wade again as they finished their shopping as well and we went home.
Antonia's friend came over with her two little children and gave Antonia a haircut. I asked very politely for a haircut as well, and so I saved my money for a trip to a hairdresser in town. (:
Because Wade was very busy (as usually) yesterday and because I aked if I can help him, he explained to me how to drive the fourwheeler and I freaking went for a ride on my own to get the rubbish bins. :D
Okay, I wrote this post until this point two days ago. :D Anyway, I just try to continue. (: That means, I reversed and I changed the gear and EVERYTHING! Wooow! ^.^
Adrian and Wade try to fix the christmas lights ^.^ |
On this day I also received two parcels! One from my lovely mum and sister and one from Iris! OMG and both are christmas presents! Yay, my christmas is save now. Even if my hostfamily won't give me anything big or special and even if the whole day will be really weird for me, I still got the two awesome presents! x) Later on, Gemma and Adrian and the couple they live with came over and we had diner all together. It was surprising good and I had actually a quiet good night and fun. (: That made this day just round and perfect and awesome. (:
Only that much is left from my Advents Calender.. |
The next day, I woke up at about 9am and got ready and started this post here. But I had to stop half way through as Antonia and Wade were leaving and they dropped me off at Levi's place. So I spent my day there with Levi and Liam (the drumer of Levi's band) who was staying with the Camerons until today (Saturday) as his parents were in Sydney. Anyway, Rachel (Levi's mum) bought 6 big and yummy mangos! YUM! First we three and Levi's dad went into town to actually only buy a couple of CDs and to drop something off. In the end it took ages until we were home again because Norman (Levi's dad) was looking
Paradise. :O |
for a special thingy and we went to a thousand places before he got what he wanted. Anyway, we had lunch and the boys worked a little on one of the old cars and OMG you won't believe what I tell you now. I got my first driving lesson! :O Okay, it wasn't official and it was me on the drivers seat, Norman on the passenger side and the two boys in the backseat and on a normal road, but it was awesome! :O Norman told me to go on the passenger side first and he showed me the three paddle thingis and the different gears (but I still don't know what the difference is
Our filling ^.^ |
between them Ô.o) and that was it. We changed the seats. OMG I was so panicing because I had NO idea what to do or how hard it would be or anything! Ahh! :D But I think I did quiet well for someone who had never driven before. And Norman helped me a lot but I think if I was practising a little now, it wouldn't take long until I could do it on my own. (: Well, we drove up and down the road where the Cameron's live and I am SO proud of myself and I didn't kill anybody and the car is still complete as well. ^.^
Pavalova in the stove. |
Finished Pavalova ^.^ |
Anyway, we did some jobs around the house before we three teenagers and Norman went to the Leap Hotel pub. That is the one and only pub around here and it is actually a nice and open place! We were supposed to just buy some beer and go back, but Norman met a friend and they had a few beers together and it took again ages until we went home. Because it took that long there, we went a little for a sightseeing tour around the pub and found paradise: a mango tree! :P And we came up with the idea that I actually could sleep over at Levi's place. It would have been easier because it means less driving and the plan was that I spend the next day anyway with the Camerons. So we asked all the parents and because the answer was yes, we poped around at my place to get my stuff for a sleepover and to ask my hostparents if they wanted
Anyway, back at Levi's place we made another pavalova because I didn't get anything of the first one we've
Freshly brushed hair. |
to come to the gig the next night. That took ages again because the adults were taaaaaalking. Ô.o
Yes I got creative... poor boy ^.^ |
made and I really had to try that as it is really australian. The first go failed, so we fed the dogs with the beaten egg and started again. We decided to make a real and proper filling but because we used one of the 6 big and real mangos instead of tin mango (what the recipoe wanted to have) we didn't have the syrup. Well, as we had a serious problme now, we used a second one of the big mangos and made mush out of it in the mixer. That went quiet well as a replacement for the syrup. :D
Thank you Levi for letting me do that! (: |
Anyway, in the end we had a lovely pavalova and had it with icecream and chocolate for desert after the BBQ. After diner Levi, Liam and I stayed up a little longer and I decided to be creative with Levi's REALLY fluffy and curly hair. :D So I was. ^.^
In the end we went to bed at 1 am and because this family is not my freaking hostfamily it was really really quiet and nice in the morning. SO I could sleep in until 10am without any noises anywhere and it was
We watched a movie and then it was 5 pm and we had to go to the gig. So we went and then we did pretty much the same thing as last time: set everything up first, then go to subway and then I listened for three hours
Bucket full of mangoes. |
to their music and watched them of course. ;P They weren't that crazy as last time, but Levi explained his whole gear to me and I actually understood what the paddles and everything in front of him are used. (: My hostparents were there as well and especially Antonia loved it! She said that about a hundred times. :P I left with my hostparents then at about 11.30 pm when the band was finished so I couldn't help packing up, but I was really tired..
wounderful. I had a really refreshing shower and then breakfast. Levi's parents were in town so we did some jobs around the house until they came back and then we went to get
Liam's drum kit from his place as he obviously needed it for the gig at the same
My lunch and I. (: |
night. And because Liam is a very quiet but very nice boy and because his family has mango trees on the property, we went and collected two buckets full of good mangos and one bucket full of half-eaten ones as food for the cows. We even took one bucket full with us home and OMG! Heaven! :O I had heaps and heaps and heaps of mango for lunch. ^.^
Anyway, I had a really good time and I did so much awesome stuff again! Unbelievable! :O
Today I slept until 10 am again even if there were soooo many noises around. I was just too tired to get up earlier :P I had breakfast and the only thing I did today is making the photo album, the christmas present for my hostfamily. But now I am finished and I can be really relaxed. I actually think it got quiet good in the end. (: AND I mowed a aprt of the front yard today. We have one of these lawn mowers you sit on and you have to stear and I did it on my own again and slowly it gets just SO amazing! I drove SO much and so many new things in the last couple of days! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! I LOVE AUS! <3
We have a BBQ party thingy tonight and there are already heaps of friends of the family in the kitchen area, I can hear them through my wall. ^.^ Later on, Levi and his parents will come as well. Antonia invited them shortly. But it's Rachel birthday today so they go out for diner and come after that to our place. (:
Tomorrow I'll go to Carissa's place and stay there until Tuesday. Then it's Christmas. SO much cool stuff to do! ^.^
Okay, now it's even after our BBQ party. I had to wait until the photos were uploaded and that took a while and then I was busy talking to one of the people there. So I just left it until now. It was nice, I had a good talk and then the Camerons came over and brought the bucket full of mangos over. :O OMG, they are now at my place and I can eat as MUCH as I want! YAM. :O It was really nice that they came over and I we had fun I reckon. :P IN the end I also got invited by them to spend New Years with them. Levi and band have a gig somewhere and they stay somewhere over night. Well, I asked straight away Antonia because I made the experience that that is the best and most comfortable way for me. She said 'no worries' and that she will do 'nothing' at New Years anyway. Because I jsut wanted to have it really really sure I asked Wade a little later what he thinks and if that's okay. I also explained that I might feel a little guilty because I am not with my hostfamily on such an important event. But he said that all is good and it is not a big thing because he is at work anyway. So now I spend New Years with the Camerons as well. I will be home on the first of Janurary and the second of Janurary my holidays with them begin. Hahahahaha, that is so cool! :P
Love to all of you and thank you so much for reading my post! There are nearly 3000 clicks on the blog already! <3
Hear soon from you! <3 (and from me ^.^)
PS: Dady and Omi and Iris, did you get my emails? :/ Slowly I start to doubt about my email program because I didn't get any response from yous at all...:(
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