Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2013

Hello everybody! (:
Okay just a quick update until the hill of news gets too high again.  Ô.o
My unbaked jam drops (:
And to be honest, I just realized that I can't even remember what I did after that day when I wrote the longest post of my life. Ô.o
I think I just stayed the whole week at home and relaxed and slept a lot and went for some swims in the pool and yes. Levi visited me twice on his way to another friend of his and both times he dropped a mango off! YAM?! :O The first day, it was the Tuesday as far as I can remember, he stayed for maybe one hour or so? And well, we had some fun. ^.^ We ate the mango together and I've made Jam drops on Monday and
Father & son at work
we ate some together. (Actually, I also cleaned the pool on Monday for the first time and it was actually quiet cool. The cleaner looks like a huuuuuge vacumcleaner and you have to swim very carefully in the pool around to vacum the complete pool ground. ^.^ Anyway..) And I taught him some German and well, now he knows the alphabet in German until Q. Thats pretty good,hei? (:
Rubbish Ô.o
Just before Levi had to leave, Wade, Peter and Bianca came back from their over-night-fishing-trip to the reef and we said hello to them. After Levi left, I went for a swim and later on watched the boys preparing the
fish for the freezer.. Ô.o
The next day, Levi just came for a 30-minute-visit and gave me the best mango in my entire life. :O It wasnt ripe though, so I left it next to my window and waited until today with eating. (I'll tell you about that later!). I spent the rest of the time with working on my list I made myself. Heaps of things I had to do before
:O Soooo much fresh fish!
Christmas etc, if you know what I mean. ^.^
On Friday, I woke up early (I HATE to wake up early... Ô.o BUt I luckily survived it..) and went with Antonia in the morning when she left for work. She dropped me off at the library where I got picked up by Michaela and her sister. (: Michaela and I watched two movies together and I made her hair and we talked and she had breakfast until her mother dropped us off at Mount P at about 12 o'clock. We went a little bit shopping (I tried hard to tick everything on my shopping list - one of these to-do-list-thingis) and I met a (very Ô.o) good friend (Ô.Ô) of Michaela, Matt. He used to go to North High as well but he's a year older than us, so he finished school this year. Anyway, very nice guy. (:
Michaela & I ^.^
We three and Shayna and Zac and Zach and Jarrod went to the movies at 3 pm to watch Thor 2. The movie was alright, I haven't seen the first one though. :D Anyway, I slept over at Michaela's place and we had pizza for diner. Or well, we were supposed to have pizza for diner. But Michaela and her mum thought that it was disgusting so we chucked the whole meal in the bin and went to the Italian shop to buy a new diner. I had a very nice Greek salad and for desert a chocolate-chip-cheesecake. Sooo YUM! :O We did our finger and toe nails which was really fun and we watched TV and listened to some music. After all that, we prepared our beds in the other loung room there. I slept on the sofa, the poor Michaela had to sleep on the carpet.. :/
So we just kept watching TV (Or well, it was this music-video channel. So we more listened to music with the music video on the screen) and Michaela was on Skype with Matt (:D) and I
ended up on my phone as well, talking on facebook to some very nice people. (x
Just getting ready to start..
Anyway, at about midnight or so, Michaela's mum came and we had to turn the TV off and I got instantly tired. Ô.o So after a short while we both fell asleep and we woke up the next morning at 9 am, but only because there is no door to the kitchen and living room and Michaela's mum and sister were already really activ. :D First thing I did was having a loooong bathroom sension with music and a shower, a mirror and a toothbrush. Ô.o OMG, I felt soooo much better after that! Michaela and I had breakfast together and said
Here we go now! 
hello to Matt on facetime again and after a short while, we got dropped of at Mount P again to meet Matt and Jarrod and Shane and Zach there. After a tiny shopping bit, we went to the movies again (because THIS was actually planned, Thor was really spontaneously) and watched Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2. This movie is sooo cute!! ^.^ There are little soft white bouncing marshmallows with eyes and a whole family
of strawberries with arms and legs! Awww! ^_^
Such a CRAZY person! Ô.o
Michaela and I got picked up from her mother and we went straight home again. There I had to fix Michaela's finger nails and after that I had to make her a rap because she obviously couldnt touch anything with her nails! So we listened to music, laughted a lot and had a jumpstyle party in the kitchen. ^.^ And then I got really surprised by Michaela's mum who gave me more or less randomly a mongo as a present! YUM! It pays of to tell everyone the actual reason why I am here: the MANGOOOS! <33
Levi and his parents picked me up shortly after that from  Michaela's house. I was allowed to come with them to one of Levi's band's gigs. It was reeeeally really good though. First I met the other band member's and even if at least one
And he really had to try my shoes on. :P
was obviously not really exited about my presents in the first moment, I really like the boys and enjoyed their company. (: After setting everything up, the boys and I went to Subway and I got  introduced to their normal routine before every gig. Well, even if I didn't feel hungry, it was yummy and I felt good afterwards. (: Because there weren't really many people in the bar, they started about half an hour later. The audience
changed always anyway and in some moments, there were quiet a few people. (:
I sat there with my water and just watched and listened to the band. I really enjoyed it to be honest. (x Even if it was a little bit loud and by the end of the 3 hours, I was nearly deaf. Ô.o Anyway, I helped packing up and one of the band members and the friend who was there beside of me came with the Camerons as well to sleep over at Levi's place. Anyway, we went for a McDonalds run and that was FUNNY ass ;D Anyway, so I came to 2-o'clock-in-the-morning-fries as Levi's dad didn't want his. ^.^
Very special gig.
This nice family even dropped me off at my place after all that and I went to bed straight away. ^.^ Next morning, I had to wake up early as Levi & his mum Rachel came to pick me up. I just chilled at his place and I talked to the two boys which had stayed over night and to Levi of course. (: We made a pavalova and had a good time I reckon. (: At about 3 pm we went all together to another bar here in Mackay where Levi and the band member who stayed for the night (who is the singer of the band by the way, he also plays the guitar) had a very special gig. Just they two played their acustic guitars and sang to it. Was really different to the night befor that but I liked it. (: I came with the family for diner to the house of Levi's sister and ate with them. I had some real fun, even if the jokes and stories were mainly dirty or disgusting. :D But whatever. ^.^
YAM! Mangooooooo...!
They dropped me off at home again (thaaaank you so much for that!) and I went for a loooooong sleep. Ô.o
Yesterday, Monday, I woke up at about 10.30 am and went for a long a refreshing shower. When I got to my breakki, Antonia was just about leaving. She was invited for coffee to a friend and I stayed alone at home until about 4 pm. Anyway, I had the freing best brunch ever! I had the mango Michaela's mum gave to me in my muesli and it was just like heaven. :O Seriously, I felt so blessed to be here and it just put me in a good mood straight away. (: I spent the day with listening to loud and good music, dancing around and going crazy and crafting. I started my christmas preparations (finally)! And I went for a swim and I watched the movie 'Epic' at nighttime and stayed awake until 2 am in the morning talking to some lovely people on
Best brunch ever!
facebook. o.o Oh well... I'm on holidays man! Ô.o & I had such a beautiful day! ^.^
Antonia left this morning at 8 am to go to town and came back at about 5 pm. So I was home alone the whole day. That was alright but, I didn't feel well and my day was just average though. Well, my morning
actually even started better than the one yesterday. I found a passion fruit in the fruit basket and just kept smelling on it, so beautiful and intense did it smell! :O Well, in the end I ate it as well. ^.^ And then I had the best mango in my life. :O I finally opened the mango Levi gave me the other day as it was ripe now. Now it smelled soooooooooooooo amazing, it's seriously unbelievable! And it tasted
My baby mangobubu <3
sooo goood as well! :O I think I did a quiet good job as mango mummy. :P Maybe I should try it as a part time job?
I spent the rest of my day with finishing the christmas cards. And in the end I actually managed to close the envelopes happily, even if I got really frustrated half way through. Anyway, I can't show any of the card here now, otherwise the people who get one know already about it. And that's lame. :/ So yeah.. if you find one of these lovely envelopes in your letter box but in the near future, it's from me. (:
I also watched a movie today and I went for a swim. At nighttime my mood got better as the tmperature dropped and I had a very good talk with Antonia and I presented her my plans for the time until Christmas day. And it seems like I will be very busy the next days, YAY! (: Something to do! :P
And these are the christmas cards. (:

Anyway. Tomorrow I'll wake up at 8 am as I go to town at 9 am to do some shopping with Shayna, Shane and Jarrod. (: Later on, I probably get a haircut. Just the splitty ends, no worries! :P
Love and greeting from here in Australia! <3

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