Hello everyone!
Carissa&I go fishing (: |
I just really want to give you a quick update of what I've done the last few days before the year 2013 is gone.
Platypus! :O |
I spent three days with Carissa before Christmas and we went fishing with her dad, but it was on a rive rand not really properly. We've cuaght nothing. But I drove the boat back! :P Beside of that, we went to Finch Hatten Gorge and went swimming there (its a natural swimming spot with ice cold water ^.^) and later on we went to Eungella again and I actually saw two Platypusses! They are SO cute and SO tiny! Ô.o
I came home on early Christmas Eve (that's on the 24) and we had Red Rooster for diner (not really christmassy, but that had to do the job).
More platypus! |
Final Christmas tree with all the presents |
On the 25, I had to wake up at 7 am and that is soo early! -.-" I wasnt really allowed to have breakfast because I had to be hungry for lunch. Not fair. When Wade's mum and her boyfriend were here, we opened all our presents. I got soo many and soo cool things! Gemma and Adrian bought me a perfume and a puzzle, Peter and Bianka gave me the movie Dispicable Me (YAY) and a movie card. Wade's mum bought a big pack of Wafers for me (she wants me fat! :P) and my hostparents had an awesome pyjama for me and really nice earrings! My presnt for teh whole family was a foto album with pictures of the camping trip. Well, let's say: it did the job. ^.^
We open the presents. |
The guest slowly came one after the other and everyone was cooking or drinking until lunch time. We had really much food in the end, hei! And of course I ate too much. OF COURSE. So I had the recover for the next couple oh hourse on the padio and it was warm and I was soo full and I got a little annoyed with everything to be
We had a few mangos.. :P |
honest. Ô.o Until we went and played cricket all together in our front yard. That was fun and I actually did something else than sitting end eating. & I managed to ask Wade if he could fix one of the pushbikes for me that I could use it to go to Levi's place without a lift. I went for a little practise ride on the bike up and down the road and found a mango tree on my way.. ^.^
Christmas table number 1 |
After an awesome shower and a little diner, I opened the two parcels from Germany and had my own little private Christmas in my room (: I got again sooo many cute things! <33 Thank you so much Mum, Klein F, Dady and Iris! (x
Happy me with presnts (: |
Boxing day and the two day after, I was at Levi's place. Him and his dad and I went fishing again and this time it was proper fishing! We were on the sea and we caught a lot, me included. We just had to put the majority of the fish back.. :/ But we kept the biggest ones! & I really like fishing I've decided. ^.^ Levi and I tried to make an german Obstkuchen. Well, it didnt really go like we've planned it, but in the end it was very yummy anyway! ^.^
& we were at Liam's place (the drummer of the band) nearly for whole day and they did something with the new mixer of the band and we went on the fourwheeler and we had a BBQ at nighttime. (:
Christmas table number 2 |
Mums and little F's presents for me (: |
The nearly last two days of this year I spent at home with my hostfamily. I tried to answer all my Christmas emails and to write this post and I had quiet a lot fun with my hostfamily in the pool and tthe kitchen. :P
Now it's the 31of Dezember and the last day of this lovely year.
Dad and Iris' presents for me! (: |
The Cameron's will pick me up in a second and I spend first New Year's eve with them and then we go on our holidays to Bisbane and the Goldcoast. I won't have internet for the next 12 days thought. But I am really looking forward to these holidays and I will take heaps of pictures,okay? (:
Happy New Year to everyone and I'll write soon again!
(But shorter posts, Im over the half-a-book-ones. And I am sure you are too..)
Love and thanks to everyone who made the year 2013 to what it was (:
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