Okay people,
welcome back. (; I hope this post won't become too long and I don't forget anything anyway. Seriously, I have to tell you so much! So much happened in the last couple of weeks. :O
Anyway, we just start now where I stopped the last post: just after my maths exam.
The maths exam was way easier than the last one in term 3 I would reckon. But I still don't have any results, so I shouldn't judge that now. ^.^
Anyway, after the exam, I went with Rinalda to her place. She has a little sister and a little brother and I felt really home at her place. Man, how much I miss my little sister, it's unbelievable. It's really nice to be the oldest and Ive actually never thought that I need to go on the other side of the world to realise that. ^.^ Rinalda showed me her rat (such a cuty! ^.^) and later we went together with her mother and sister to the horse. Oh my god, they REALLY have a horse! It lives somewhere a little outside of town and we went to ride and feed it. That was teh first time in ages that I actually sat on a horse and it felt great. Just like it did when I was younger! At this point I thought I should maybe start taking some lessons again, but it's easier to say than actually to do. After the horse did the work, we picked some grass for it as a thank you. (: Nice, hei?
I had a very nice family diner at Rinalda's place and then the party night began. :P We decorated biscuits with icing and colourful sugar stuff and we painted each others nails and talked about boys and the Grade 11 camp. (; I had a good time.. ^.^
Next day, we got picked up by Gemma in her car. She is the only one who already has her P-plates (I'm sure I've explained that before but anyway: first you have your L-plate for one year and your only allowed to drive with a parent next to you. After that you get your P-plates and that's like a normal licence but with some limitations.). Therefore, Gemma is allowed to drive on her own and loves it obviously. ^.^ She picked us and the twins Izzy and Lilly up and we went all together Op-shopping. We needed some clothes for the Mocktailnight for Camp and I needed an outfit for the Country night as well. Germans don't have country clothes. Or I don't. ^.^ We met so many other Grade 11s in the Opshops, it was really funny. ^.^ And first I wanted to take a really pretty black and white dress which was a little broken at the side and quiet tight, but the best thing in the first shop. The others weren't that exited and well, in the end I didn't take the dress.. I found a really good one in the last shop we went to. A really colourful and really ugly one. Perfect for Mocktail. ^.^ I wore it with a belt to give the whole thing a little shape and voilà! (; We met with some other girls at the cinema and went and watched The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Really good movie!And I like the australian cinemas. But to be honest, it is not THAT much different to the German ones. (;
This night, the twins and I slept over at Gemma's place. It was funny and we played a bordgame and we went in our Mocktail outfits to the pizza shop to pick our diner up. :D And at about midnight Gemma and Lilly went to McDonalds and got us some McFlurry. Yam! ^.^ But well, in the end I was really tired and because the twins had to leave early in the morning because of their work, we went to bed soon after McDonalds. (:
And yes, of course did the twins wake me up in the morning when they left. It's really bad, I wake up every time when somebody else is awake. So annoying! -.- Anyway, I was awake early and the twins got picked up from their mother. Gemma and I had a lovely breakfast: I had a huge bowl of muesli with banana and she had left over pizza from the other night. ^.^ And then we were a little bit bored. We made a cake and we went for a walk with the dog and we went for a drive to buy milk and later to Mount Pleasant. She showed me the Super Pet Store where she works and we had a ook at all the beautiful fish and the cute kittens and puppies. CUTE! ^.^ Seriously, I love the fish section in pet stores the best but. <3
For lunch I had the same thing as I had for breakki: muesli with banana. It was the first time in ages that I had muesli not for breakfast. Was really yummy but! In the end we watched a movie and I borrowed a puzzle from her to have something to do in the holidays. And yes. I don't really know how, but we made it and somehow it was time to get ready to go to Suse's good-bye party at her place. It was fun, especially the pool part was really good. And we had heaps of food and we played silly games and I had to eat cake with tomato sauce. I didn't died, but I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have to eat it. I like tomato sauce on sausage rolls better. ^.^
Some of the girls slept over at Suses place, but everyone was that tired that we actually went to bed straight away. Next morning, everyone had to leave again early because of different reasons, mainly work but. Seriously, I should think again about applying for a job. Ô.o
In the end, Suse, Shayna and I were left. So we decided to go to the movies again and show Shayna Catching fire. Suse and I have seen it the other day already, but that was okay. ^.^ So we went, and I was allowed to but only when I would find a way to get home because Antonia didn't want to come to town twice and well, she was more or less already on her way. The solution was to sleep over at Shayna's place another night and then catch the school bus home on Monday. After the movie (it was better the first time, and I don't share the opinion that Catching Fire is better than the first Hunger Game movie. Not at all.) we went to Mount Pleasant and then we visited Jarrod on our way to Shanyna's place. He was sick and therefore not at school for one whole term. But we went because Suse wanted to say 'good bye' to him. He still didn't look that well..
Shayna's boyfriend Zach came over at this day as well because we were a little bored. And in the end we had so much fun. ^.^ Especially Suse was in a weird mood and she and I layed together on the really soft carpet under the fan and laughed and laughed and couldn't stop...
We watched a few movies at night time and I was on Shayna's phone on facebook. Just because they don't have WiFi but her phone has internet connection. In the end everybody fell asleep during the last movie but me because I was too busy chatting ^.^ However, somehow everybody found a bed in the end and even Zach slept over because it was obviously too late to go home.
The next morning, Suse had to wake up pretty early because she wanted to visit her boyfriend for a last time and it took her a while to walk to him. She left after I did her hair into a pretty braid. ^.^
Zach and Shayna and I went to Canelands as far as I can remember and spend there a few hours before we had to go home because I really didn't want to miss the school bus at 3 pm. (:
I put the Advents calender up! Thank u mum <3 |
And I didnt. I took my hundreds of bags of shopping with me and met Michu in the bus and talked to him for the last time in a few weeks. 4 pm and I was finally home after nerly one week at friend's places. And I was surprising energetic and jumped around and listened to music and first tidied up the shopping bags and later on packed my stuff for Grade 11 camp. :D Therefore, I slept exactly one night in my own bed to wake up the next morning at 6.15 am. Grade 11 camp! ^.^ I went with Antonia to school because I didnt want to go into the bus with my big and heavy bag. And because I am a lucky girl, I met my new friend and camp buddy Shane straight away in the office where he was waiting for the time to go past. The same as me. I asked him something about the shoes we were supposed to wear and that was teh beginning of our conversation. (: I went with him as his mum (who works in the office as well) told him to go and to help the teachers and he showed me where I can put my bag. And I had to organise some stuff for the weekend at Airlie Beach and a teacher said apparently that I didn't give back my textbook but I did and I had to solve that problem. I was a bussy girl, man! ^.^
Anyway, in the end we met all the other Grade 11s and the camp started on the school area with some warm-up exercises like 'the nearly dead bug' or however this one figure was called. :D
The teachers realised about half ways through that the two busses don't have enough room for all the bags and suitcases. So we had to pack everything out again and wait for another bigger bus. Ô_o Anyway, after a loong time in this bloody heat, the bus finally arrived and we packed everything in again. My bus buddy was Gemma and we sat togetehr, listening to her songs on the Ipod and dancing crazily to it. :P We also took about a hundred fotos and videos.
When we arrived, we had to go quickly into our cambins and then back to the camp centre where our meetings and feeds were. I can't remeber the exact order of our activities, but I can try to tell us about everyone of them. Even if not in the right order. ^.^ Well, let's start with the meals. We had a warm breakfast with bacon and egg and sausage and who wanted some cereals. But of course no muesli. Well, I ate whatever was there, even if it wasnt that awesome. Halfway through the morining, we had morning tea. Fruit and sometimes a little piece of cake or something. At 12 was lunch time, once it was a hot dog, the other times, we had different types of cold burgers. Half way through the evening, we had evening tea. ^.^ Same buffet as for morning tea. Diner was always something warm. Not awesome, but okay for a crowd of 105 students. We've spent the main part of our time in our camp groups (mine was black, BLACK ATTACK! [we lost the over all camp challenge... but anyway]) and had some exercise, mainly all about team work and trust. Was alright and I survived all of them. The last full day we had at camp, we also had a treasure hunt in our camp groups with heaps of exercises and extra points and everything. It was really exhausting because we had to run around like a bunch of weirdos but it was fun though. And we lost. Of course. :D But anyway, it was a good day. Beside of our camp group activities, we had some activities at the beach and some games against the others. They were the most fun out of all. I dont go in detail now because this post is now already soooo long and still have soooo much more to tell you about!
The first night of camp we had the Country night. Everyone was dressed up in country style (I wore my opshop stuff but it was really good, I reckon!). We started our night in a big circle, or actually two circles
. The boys inside and the girls in a cirlce around them and everybody had a partner. And well, then we got taught a country dance where you always have to change the parnter after a short dance and therefore, you wander from one partner to the next one in the circle. I reaking loved it and it reminded me so much of my ball dance lessons I had a couple of years ago. I still love it and it is still a shame that no suitable boy wants to be my partner for it! -.-" But anyway, we've danced a couple of different dances in this circle and then later we had some dances in our camp groups and later later we've danced just as a big crowd. Half way through our night, it began to rain. And it didn't stop. And it became worse and worse and we just kept dancing until we were completly wet. Even my underwear was dripping when I changed into my pyjamas this night! ^.^ And all our clothes ended on our little patio in front of our cabin and stayed there the rest of camp. :D The second night was Mocktail. Every girl had a boy but not every boy had a girl, some of them had two. Anyway, the teachers drew lots at the beginning of camp and my partner was Casey, a really lovely boy I knew only from seeing until then. Even if he haven't gone to the opshop and came in yeans and Tshirt, we had a great night together and talked more or less the whole time. (Only in case, you're reading this now
All the warm fuzzies I got (: |
Casey: thank you very much for that! ^.^) And I got heaps of compliments for my really colourful dress.. ^.^
The last night was Redface night and every camp group had to show a little act in front of everybody. Black Attack was the news show in the TV and we talked and acted out different things that happened during camp. We even got a price for that. I'm so proud of myself because I was a part of the queue at the shop and a part of the beach games. Really important jobs.
Anyway, the last day of camp was Friday and mainly reflection and eating. And I bent my toenail over for the second time. I did it at the beginning of camp by running into a table. The second time I ran into another girl and bent it over really hard. It bleeded and hurt freaking much and the teachers couldnt help me as there was nothing helpful in the first aid kit. :/ At least I got a baindaid and yes. That had to be enought. At this day, we also heard a little story about warm little fuzzies and we had to write a few warm fuzzies to our camp group mates and other friend sif we wanted to. There was a envelope for every student on camp and we jsut put the right fuzzy in the right envelop. In the end, everyone took his envelop and read the warm fuzzies. Heaps of short but lovely messages. <3 Thank you so much everyone!
Suse & packing ^.^ |
When we arrived in school, it wa stime for Suse to say good bye to the most of her friends. That was a little sad.. :( Her hostdad picked us up from school and took us to Suse's place.
And then the chaos started: I took the control over the packing process of her stuff into her suitcases and
Welcome to Airlie Beach! |
bags. And that was an act. Ô.o But because I am such an awesome packer, I was successful and managed to put all these mountains of clothes and other stuff in the provided bags. That took us about until her hostmum came back from work and we could head in direction Airlie

Beach together. Suse hostsister came with us as well and after about 1 and a half hours of drive, we arrived in our appartement that we all shared. Suse and I in one room, Carol and daughter in one room. I REALLY enjoyed a little luxury after the whole camping etc etc. Ô.o Anyway, on Saturday, we had to wake up early as the bus to our booked cruiser trip left at 7 am in front of our appartement. Some buttertoast for breakki and Suse and I went with three friends of the hostfamily on the Cruiser. Why Carol and daughter didn't come, I dont know. Anyway, the boat wasnt that big and therfore it was really surprising to see Shane and his family coming on board as well! Such a surprise! ^.^ Suse and I spent the two hours drive to the station in the reef with eating the moring tea on the boat and talking and laughing. We had our fun. An dthe water was just awesome! Clear and blue and just like in the movies. :O I felt a little bit like in a dream, especially when we went into the booked helicopter after arriving on the station. Seriously, helicopters are so much cooler than planes! And I took the whole 10 minutes flight on video and I can try to upload it, but I
Yes... |
dont think that I will have much succes.. the last time I've tried it didn't work either. Anyway, we went on a half submarine as well and I took a video the whole drive long.^.^ Then we had surprising yummy lunch on the boat and the rest of the time Suse and I went snorkelling. It was the first time in my life that I went snorkelling but I loved it. It was one of the best things I've ever done... And after some complications at the beginning, it went smoothly. :P It is so much better than swimming and so much more interessting! Suse and I bought a under water camera the other day and took some photos, but I dont know if they are good because I couldnt see where the camera is aiming on. ^.^ And I dont really know how to get these photos now out of the camera... ? :/ Anyway, I will work it out.
.. we had... |
... fun. :D |
The two hours on the boat, Suse and I slept a little and ate afternoon tea (I ate the major part of the chocolate cake I think :D) and Suse went and bought some of the professional phots of us both. (: But yes, at nighttime we were really tired and went straight to bed after a nice diner at a restaurant.
At Sunday, we had a late brunch and went a little shopping in Airlie Beach. On our way home, we stopped at a really carzy and colourful shop and I bought a little present for Levi's birthday and we stopped at a
Close-up ^.^ |
waterfall without water. :D It was too dry obviously. But a little funny as well. ^.^
The station 'Riff world' |
Suse hostmum dropped me off later at my home and I had to say good bye and thank you to Susanne. She left the next day and I wasn't able to come to the airport. It was kind of sad, but I managed not to cry because I'm going to see her again. Back in Germany. (: Suse is now
enjoying the winter and the snow and everything else that is related to christmas back in her real family. And I'm a little jealous of her because Christmas here sucks, but at the same time I'm glad that my time is not over yet and I can make more awesome experiences..
The half-sub-marine boat |
Our helicopter is coming! |
The Monday and Tuesday were the first days in a long time that I actually spent at home. I had some stuff to sort out from the week before and then I started to get bored. I read a book and I streted a puzzle and I slept a lot and I went with my hostdad and brother to a friend's place and we vistited the little puppies they have there. Such cute things! (x I also put the Christmas tree up with Peter and his girlfriend. It was the ugliest christmas tree ever. :D It's a plastic one and we just chucked all the decoration somehow over the tree because nobody of us really felt like doing it proply. :P It looks different now and way better. But to be honest, I still prefer the real tree ones. (:
Here we go... ^.^ |
On Wednesday, I caught the school bus in the morning to go to Shayna's place. We spent the whole day more or less in Canelands with Shayna's mum and Jade and went shopping for Shayna's birthday party the next day. (: And I went to the toedoctor who had a quick
look at my bent toenail with the result, that it attched itself again and he just cut it a little and told me to bath my toe in saltwater to keep it clean. I did that at the same night but when I put another bandaid on, I realised that the nail isn't attached to the toe at all. I can bend it really far and it doesn't
Brunch. Yam, :P |
hurt or anything... So I just keep a bandaid over the toe and hope that the problem will solve itself. :P Jade left at nighttime and Shayna and I watched a movie before we went to bed. The next day, we made Malteser slices for the first time (sooo yum! :O) and prepared everything for the party. Jade came over before we left and on our way we picked Michaela up. All together we arrived a little late at the Lagune (for
everybody who does not live in Mackay: it is like a huge public swimming pool. You don't have to pay for entrance and for nothing else either.) where the rest of the invited people already waited. We took all the brought food and the drinks and everything to one of the tables and spend the main
Missy and other Missy are going to diner now |
The really crazy shop and Susanne. |
Water without the fall. |
time of the party with eating. :D And because there were fresh und raw veggies and fruit I ate way too much! Man, I think I've never eaten that much veggies before. :O But I came to the conclusion, that I prefer my broccoli cooked. Anyway, at one stages of the party, we actually went into the water for a little swim. But the water was a little bit disguisting (not cold, not warm, more the
:D |
temperature of pee..) and I felt soo full that I didn't stay long in there. And then we had to run to catch the bus. And we missed it, of course. ^.^ So we spent one hour in Canelands just wandering around until the next bus came. And you can have a guess what we did when we arrived at Shayna's place? Eating. :P We had more fruit and veggies and then we had little sausage rolls and spring rolls and tiny pies. After this prediner, we started our first movies. We had 15 to watch, but because we couldn't decide which one and then the one we started was crap, we watched one
and a half over all on this night. :D And then we had BBQ for diner but I ate nearly nothing because I was already overful. But I couldn't resist when the chocolate fondue with more fruit came. :P Oh well, I had a good night but. We called people and after a while the boys left and we girls stayed all over night. I slept in Shayna's room, in the end I don't know why but. First because I thought we didn't have enough space in the living room and I prefer to sleep in my own room in a real bed anyway. The next morning I realised, that there had actually been a bed for me. Ups. Oh well, I had a good sleep at least. ^.^
The next morning, we had all together a nice breakfast and then we watched another one of the 15 movies. 2 and a half over all then. :D And then we played the donut game. Levi (my bus buddy) and his mum came and picked me up. They were in town anyway because it was levi's birthday who is now 16 and when you're 16 you are allowed to get your L-plates. He did so. ^.^ We went to Mount Pleasant and went to buy some stuff before we drove home. Or actually, Levi drove us home. It was actually not bad at all what is really surprising I reckon. ^.^ I mean, first time driving in town and I didn't die. :P Anyway, I came over to his place because it was his birthday and as a present I made him a cake. Later on, friends of the family came over and we had all together a BBQ. And I had to demonstrate my awesome pool skills which I don't have. ^.^ Anyway, I had a really good time and heaps of fun. (:
And welcome to Eungella! |
Saturday I had a looong sleep. And the rest of the day I just stayed at home and read. Antonia was in such a good mood, it was unbelievable! :O But I enjoyed it, I had a good chat with her and yeah, my world was just okay. It was only us two because the boys were at work. At nighttime, Bianka (Peter's girlfriend) came
Find the turtle. |

over and we three went to a engagement party of a gay couple, friends of the family. It was nice, I enjoyed it. Sunday, I had to wake up at 8 am because Levi and his sister plus boyfriend came over to pick me up. All
together we went to Eungella and looked there for some platypus. We could only see turtles. But anyway, we went for a nice rainforest walk and took about 800 photos or so. ^.^ It was good, absolutly. I stayed for diner at the Camerons (that is Levi's family) and got dropped of home by his sister. Really nice family. (:
During our rainforest walk. |
Just after I finished my preparation for going to bed, our electricity died. :O That was a little bed surprising and scary. And because no power means no light or internt, I had nothing to do but going to bed and to sleep. I was nearly asleep, as this bloody power went on again and I had to jump up to pull the Ipod out of the docking station as it started
playing! I was nearly asleep, man! -.-"
I really liked these steps.. |
Anyway, today I did nothing but writing this post. I was on facebook at the same time and at about 3.30 pm I decided that I had enough now and went for a swim in the pool and then for a shower. And now I'm writing it again. It's quater to 6. Ô.o
Oh well, I think that is the longest post I've ever written but now I can be proud of myself as I informed you about everything that happened the last two and a half weeks and I can sleep without a bad feeling again. ^.^
I just don't really want to spend the week with the family, I really enjoy my sleepovers and daytrips with my friends, it made my first week of real holidays pretty good. (: My hostmum brought my report cart home today, so I didn't have to go to school and get it. It's pretty good I reckon. Maths B, English, Marine and Art: A, Chemestry and Home Economics: B. I think that's okay for the first semester of an international student, hei? (;
Wish you an awesome day mes amis and hear from you soon! (:
Love <3
We found ONE living flower! Yay :D |