Hello everyone!
Just a very short, very quick update. (: I got my report card on Monday. Yeah, it's quiet alright. :P
I also went with Levi to Mount Pleasant on Monday to go shopping. I bought another million photos for the scratch book as Goodbye-presents. But to be honest, I still haven't started yet. :O
I bought a little mothersday present and that's about it I think. Oh, no, I bought two organes for me, as a afternoon snack. I actually ate quiet a lot fruit the last week. I'm such a good girl. :P
Anyway. I did a lot of extra work in school during the breaks on my homeeconimc project and my artwork. So I stay on track and I'm finished with the due date. Levi comes always with me and does not complain at all.. not one single word. Thank you so much bub! :*
Wednesday, I went to Canelands after school to finish my shopping. Levi had guitar lesson and said he coud pick me up on his way home. But then his mum had to work overtime and wasn't finished till 8 pm. Unfortunally, we had the birthday dinner for Adrian's dad at our place and I really didn't want to be too late for that. So I went and asked Gemma if she could maybe take me and Levi with her after work (she works in Canelands). So yeah, that was probably the first time in these 10 months she and I had a long and proper talk. I really enjoyed it and it definitely showed me another side of her.. the diner was alright, nothing really special to be honest.
I also received a litte parcel yesterday! Thank you so much, Iris, for that really cute (and YUMMY) easter present! I am really looking forward to that book! (: :* (And I already ate all the little KINDER-chocholates.. yumyumYUM! ) (:
I think that's about it.
Ah, no! Since Sunday night, I got a red patch in my face. It's between my lip and my nose on my left side and I have no idea what it is or why it is there. It could be a cold sore, but no one really knows and it doesn't look that dangerous that I think I need to go to a doctor and it doesn't hurt anymore either. So I should be right, it just looks funny. :D
Tomorrow, Friday, Shayna will come over to my place and spend the night here as well. What I am going to do after that, I don't know yet. (:Talk soon people!
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