Heyy everybody!
I had an amazing weekend!
Well, I found out at Friday that the birthday dinner got canceled. The birthday girl couldn't get a reservation.. silly girl! ^.^ But probably, there will be a replacement diner another night. So, I worked hard on my Homec Assignment and finished the new version actually.
Our new friend (sitting there) |

I went shopping with my mum (just grocery and stuff) and met actually one of the nice Marine Studie girls in Wollworth. She was in my group during the fieldwork trip and I didn't know that she is working there. (: My mum dropped me off at Susanne's place where I stayed over night than, even if the diner was canceled. First we went to the beach (maybe 10min walking from Susanne's house.. freaking amazing! :O) and had a little walk there until nightfall. For diner, we had chinese takeaway and it was actually pretty good, I got rid of all my little coins (thanks to the girl there at the counter!). And I ate it nearly all even if I wasn't hungry actually and trust me, I nearly burst because of my full belly! :O Not very nice. Anyway, to make the night
Look at my right foot.. can u see the tanline? :D |
nearly perfect, we watched Titanic in bed. It was the first time Titanic for me, until than I've only seen the beginning. And this movie is culture. So yeah, again a little smarter. (; (My judgement: like it really. Isn't the best movie I've ever seen, but good story and VERY sad. :'( )

I actually had a very good night. I don't sleep well in my bed here anymore, do not ask me why. So I was glad to have a good sleep, even if it wasn't long enough. ^.^
At the morning, we just decided to have a short swim in Susanne's pool. I
took Susanne's bikini (How the hell can you only have ONE pair
Susanne (: |

when you're in Australia?? Love ya, Susanne! (; ), she went in underwear. It was really cold, but a nice start for the day. Well, we had a short breakfast and went to the beach again. That was a reeeally good decision, it was just fun! We ran a lot and went to rocks (had a little extra investigation with our knownledge of Marine Studies :D) and actually found really much. Even some real anemones in rock pools! We took a couple of pictures, had a little chat to a man who was building a sand turtle and talked to a boy who was fishing. He is actually at our school in grade 12 and I added him on facebook (Greetings to you only in case you're reading this in the moment! ^.^). As the highlight, we decided to go swimming in the sea. Or actually Susanne decided me and persuaded me than. :D So we went just like that swimming randomly in underwear (I was still wearing my T-shirt!) at an australian beach. It was ONLY amazing. I felt so
Yes, ... |
free and just... I can't describe it. Amazing. (:
Well, after we had both a shower at home (I borrowed clothes from Susanne) and ate a
... we were in the sea. :D |
sandwich/salad for lunch, Susanne's hostmum came back from s
hopping and brang all the missing things for our cake. So, we made a Stracciatella-cherry-cake. The chocolate wasn't what we actually needed and the cherries were ther wrong ones, but anyway. It was good ^.^ (And I have the recipe..yes! I will do it when I'm back properly^.^)
Susanne and her hostmum dropped me off at home, the two mums had a tea together, Susanne and I went swimming (for the third time on this day) in our pool here. It was less cold than her's, but still not really warm.
Well, I had a great weekend! And I'll get all the pictures tomorrow. (:
Our cake. (: |
I have anice sunburn now. My face and just the décoltée. So I have a nice red circle around my neck, and it actually really hurts. That was my first experience since a long time with sunburn and will hopefully stay the last. In general, I'm getting a REALLY weird tan. ^.^ I start to have the nice T-shirt tan, and my legs are actually allready browner, but I have lovely white feet and you can really see where my school socks end. Same thing with my school shorts, even if the cut there isn't really a cut. it's more a smooth changing from tanned to cheesy white. Also my face gets browner and browner (ok, in the moment it's pretty red.) and the are around my neck is a little brown. All the rest has exactly the same colour as when I first arrived. Yeha. I have much to do during summer holidays.. getting an allover tan. ^.^
Hamham! (: |
I showed my Homec teacher today my new version of the assignment, and I am really pissed off. She doesn't say, change this sentence, change this word and this information, she is more talking in general and saying that 'I am on the right track'. Oh, thanks. She rewrote my whole introduction and sayed afterwards that she can't write the whole assignemnt for me. Of course I'm struggeling with teh languages and my senteces and word choices are weird, especially when I try to write the same complexe language as I do normally in German with help of my nice dictionnary. Well, I worked really hard and did my best. That's it ow for me, I change nowthing anymore and well, if I get a D or an E, I don't care. I'm not english and not interested in fashion at all. I can live with an bad mark in this essay.
And I realised that the chemstry assignment due date is this friday. I have liturally nothing. I already worked today a good part, but that's my task for the next days. And maybe I can't sleep very much on Thursday. Ô.o
Have a great week, my loves <3
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