Heyy people!
The birthday 'girl' |
I apologiye for this late post. I really don't know where the time went and what I've done so long, but yeah, somehow I forgot to write a new post.
Well, the weekend two weeks ago, I went to Bundaberg with Levi's band. To keep it short: it was a lot of driving and a lot of fun but little sleep and really really cold. It was probably the first time I was actually really cold. They played on a birthday party and I was tired, so I slept in the trailer. It was fuck*** freezing. Ô.o
Wade is cooking |
However, it was really good fun. (:
The weekend after, I stayed home until Saturday afternoon working on my projects and then I went to the movies with Shayna, Liam and Levi to watch 'The other woman'. The movie was better than expected and I enjoyed it. (: I stayed the rest of the weekend at Levi's place.
Pyjama buddies! :P |

This weekend was a very big one for me. On Friday I had my last Marine Trip for ever. We woke up at 3.30 am because we left at school at 5 am. However, it was really really good. I was talking to heaps of people and we went to two islands a little north. Both of teh islands are just stunning. Hamilton is really touristy but very clean and instead of cars, they only have electric buggies. ^.^ However, most of the island is still covered in forest and the water around it is light blue and very clean. No wonder thatthey have a huge Marina and coral reef close to it. (: We got this working book and we were supposed to fill it out, but we didnt have to and nobody controlled it. So that was not really the most important thing during freetime. :D
Hamilton island, the bird is native |
On the boat.. :P |
After a huge and yummy dinner in the tavern, we drove to the next island: Whitehaven beach. On this island, there is only a couple of kilometers on the beach open to the public, the rest is fully protected. It is in the top 10 list of teh most beautiful beaches in the world and WOW, it is amazing! Really clean, fine, white sand and beautiful blue water. Just magical! Ô.o And I saw the biggest spider EVER in the forest on the way to the toilets. It was just as big as my hand, maybe even bigger. And really scary Ô.o But I survived it quiet well. :P
We were home late and I had dinner with my whole hostfamily in the Leap pub.
I made that (: |
Whitehaven beach.. isnt it beautiful? |
Saturdy was teh big day: the birthday party for my hostum's 50th. I woke up at around 7.30 and after a quick breakfast I was just busy. I helped everyone that needed my help and I put balloons outside and swept everywhere and vacumed and put signs up and cut 6 kg of onions and 4 kg of tomatoe and made little caramel tarts and and and.. the list seems to be endless. Levi came over at around 4 pm and helped a little bit. We got ready in time and put our awesome pyjamas on and at 5 pm, everone started to arrive. I was really really tired by then already by the way. :P The party was good but, I had heps of fun! Levi and I BOTHhad pyjama-buddies! That was sooo cool, and the best thing about it: they were a couple as well! How awesome! :D I went to bed quiet early: 11 pm. I was just so tired and stuffed, I really had to sleep. Levi went to bed a little later, he was allowed to sleep over but not in my room. Anyway, Sunday was the big tyding-up day. Levi and I started to clean the kitchen on our own before I was bored and I knew someone had to do it anyway. It was a big mess and with all the things from outside as well, a HUGE pile to wash up. We did quiet well I reckon. (: However, both of us got picked up by Levi's mum at around 1 pm. And we spent some relaxing and recovering time at his place. I even slept over, because Monday was the Queen's birthday and we didn't have to go to school.
Today is Tuesday and my last week of proper school. I also have my first exam tomorrow: Homeeconomics. Next week is Exam Block and I have to go to school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. The week after I only have Thursday and Friday to go to school. And then that's it for me here. No more school in Australia anymore. :'(
Talk soon people!
The BIG spider Ô.o |
PS: Rachel, Levi's mum, professional sewer, sewed three little suits for elephant because his old clothes were already ripping. They are finally finished and SOO cute! <3 Thank you so much!