Heihei! (:
I have some news to share with yous people!

Last Friday was an awesome day! After school, I got picked up with Levi by his mum to be home quicker. I hurried SO much to get ready and everything done as quickly as possible: Mocktail night! It took me ages anyway because my hair got curled by Bianca and that took really really long. Anyway, I was quiet happy with my appearance. I wore the dress I bought in Brisbane and my red high heels. Looked quiet alright. :P
Levi wore the stuff we bought a couple of days before Mocktail for him: black
We went to the Botanic Gardens and Rachel, Levi's mum took pictures of us two. I already have my favorites, I'll post them here for you. (: This is the first time that we took a few photos together, just Levi and I. Anyway, we were running late for dinner. Levi took me out for dinner to a restaurant called 'Romeo and Juliet'. Awww <3
It was actually quiet classy and really really nice and yummy. Just perfect! We walked together to Mocktail as it was all really close together. And Mocktail was just amazing. I danced with Levi and some other people from school the (and I am serious) WHOLE night long and the music was good and I really enjoyed myself!

(: At 11.30 pm, my feet but especially my knees were just hurting as hell and it was clearly bedtime for me. Lucky Rachel came to pick us up in time and well, I stayed at Levi's place over night.
shoes, black pants, red shirt and a nice tie. Looked good I reckon. Ô.o Especially because I am absolutly not used to him in such clothes. (;
Saturday, we went shopping and I made malteser slices. Yum! Mainly for cake day on the following Wednesday, but I made enoughso that we could keep some as well. Levi had a gig at Saturday night and we had a meal in the pub this time instead of Subway. It was just HUGE: I can't even describe that, the chicken filet which I had was massive! I couldnt hardly eat half of it.. Ôo

Anyway, we were home at 3 am and I slept through till 12 the next day. Even Levi mowing the lawn right next to the window of the room didn't wake me up. I was tired. ^.^
Anyway, Norman, Levi's dad came back from work for the first time since 3 weeks on Sunday and Norm, Rachel, Levi and I sat in the car to drive to Townsville. It's a bigger city than Mackay about 400km north. On the way, we passed Bowen, just another town. However, they have a huge pplastic mango in the middle of the town standing. A few weeks ago, it got stolen by someone and it was everywhere big in the news. SO I knew about this mango already, but it was really really cool when we stopped and I got a photo with the mango! Yeah! :P We shared all one big room together which was actually quiet okay.
On Monday (yes, I missed a day of school..^.^)
, they showed me the 'castle hill', a pretty high hill in the middle of the city. I took some quiet nice photos. And then we got the new car: the actual reason for our little trip. A yellow Monaro sport car, really nice I reckon. I drove it back home with Rachel, it's her car. Was good. (:

And well, that's about it.
I had cake day on Wednesday and all the Malteser slices are gone, I got my photos that got taken in school a couple of weeks ago and yeah.
Tomorrow is Friday again (Ô.o That went quick!) And I am going to have a party at Shayna's place. She will visit her family in New Zealand for three weeks and wants to have a coming together of the group. I'll go homw with Levi and stay there more or less the rest of the weekend. Looking forward to that!
Talk soon again people, only one week left to block exam! :O
My new school photo |
P.S.: Hei! I haven't chewed my nails in ages anymore! Since I got this disguisting nailpolish (what is now.. I don't know..one month, two months ago) I haven't chewed one tiny little bit. My nails are actually really pretty now and nice and tidy. :) YES! Be all proud of me people! I thought that that would stay a life-long addiction! :P
The Bowen Mango and I. |
HAM! :O yamyamyam... |
Welcome to Townville! |