more than two weeks after my last post, I am writing the last one for the near future. :D I am really sorry that I dont write more often, but well. Can't change it.
So what happened? Not much. I stayed home the entire weeks and did some work. The boys weren't home for both week-ends and well, I spend my time iwth Antonia. More or less. There were some friends of her over and we had a little brunch party. Gemma and Adrian came over, Antonia went to town and visited some friends. Oh well. Somehow we've made it and the boys came back home yesterday night/ this morning.
I had exams this week. On Monday my Homec exam during normal classtime. Same with Art exam on Tuesday. Should both be allright but not awesome. Tuesday was Susanne's last proper school day. we had assembly on Tuesday as well because it wa sthe Grade 11's last school day. Suse got a teddy bear from the senior coordinator with best wishes from the staff and students of North High. Every friend of her signed it and of course wrote a little sentence. I wrote a whole book over the head and in the ears of the teddy. Well, I have to show my special German connection to the other German somehow, huh?
We also had a little International's party in the first break with pizza and cake and soft drinks and photos and a good-bye-photobook with pictures of Australian landscape in it from the international-student-soordinator of our school. (: In English, we just had a big party and played games and talked and listened to music and WOW, I actually found one of the songs I was looking for since.. I don't know when.
Heeeere, we go. Sorry for all the people who don't like electronic music. ^.^
And today I had my first proper exam day for this term. Was allright but last term was more fun somehow. Marine exam was easy and Chemestry.. oh well. We'll see. But I'm sure that I won't fail at least. :D
And I've got the card from the blood donation today. They REALLY try to make u feel special. ^.^ But I like the little card. And I am blood group O. And I have non really serious diseases. That's good.
And yeah, that's about it. Have Maths exam tomorrow and then I gonna sleep over at some friends places. I gonna go shopping for camp next week and probably to the movies. And then on Sunday is Suse's good-bye-party. (: And then I have Grade 11 camp next week from Tuesday to Friday and then I gonna go to Airlie beach (whereever THAT is) with Susanne and her hostmum. Looking really forward to it! But that might lead to another week without a post. I have too much happening! BUT after that, I have holidays. And heaps of time. Sooo... don't worry, I gonna tell us everything! (:
See ya soon!
Love <3