Heyy everybody!
The car, still clean |
I'm back! Well, actually I'm already back since one week but I couldn't find the time and especially the mood to write a post. But I thought, Kathi, now or never. And I already had a really bad feeling because I didn't tell you anything.
Well, on Friday night we left home and drove the night through to Mareeba. That are about 10 hours, but it was all right. I slept in the
Our home, mine is the green long thing (I changed my tent..!) |
car as good as possible. We had breaki at McDonald in Mareeba at 7 am and visited Antonia's mum afterwards. She is living in an old-people-home and I really like her. Even if she only speaks italian and Antonia had to translate everything (but not only to me, to the whole family). She is a very happy and laughts all the time. ^.^
Later we visited Antonia's dad who is still living on their farm. And Antonia's two brothers live in the houses next to the farm, so they can work there and everything. It's nice there. (:
After all that we drove to our first stop, a property of a friend of the family in the middle of the rainforest. It was a cute a little spot and I was sooo fascinated by the rain forest... it's just magic! (even if I saw only the little bits next to the streets of course) I had a bath in the creek there and yes, I was
totally naked and even washed my hair a little... that was a really cool experience. Even if I wet my trousers when I tried to put clothes on again without standing in the mud next to the creek...
The next day we met all the other families. All together, we were: Antonia, Wade and me in our car, Peter and Misty (his female friend he met only because of this trip, he wanted a codriver) in Peter's car with the little tini (a tiny boat) on the top of it, Peter's mate Azza and his girlfriend Amanda in
Azza's car, the friend's of our family, Linda, her husband Brandon and their daughter in my age and the brother of Brandon with his wife. And then we made our trip up to the top. First we drove longer in the rain forest but after a short while we changed into bush land for the rest of the trip (I'm SO over it now. Ô.o). Our technique was to drive from one camping spot to the other and camp there for one night. Then we had breakfast, packed everything together, drove, packed everything up again and had diner. That was it for the main part of the trip. REALLY annoying and hard work. That was probably the thing
that recked the whole trip a little. Ô.o But well, I enjoyned the few times we stayed two or even three nights at one spot. They were relaxed and sometimes even a little boring. We stayed very often next to the beach but could go into the sea, because of the crocs. And well, what is there else to do? Just sitting around and sweating. :D
But the nighttime was always pretty good. We had diner and music
Rainforest :o |
and we sat all together and had a good time. That was also the time when everybody started drinking and became funny. :D Hilarous!
And well, all together I can say it was good. Especially because I feel much closer to my family now than what I did before the trip. WAY closer, and that is all what counts, huh? I talk more in the family and I feel better. (:
The thing with Misty didn't work out in the end. Probably because he was looking for a girlfriend and Misty only wanted to be friends. But well,
Isn't it puzzling? ^.^ |
whatever. ^.^
And now it's time that I tell you some of the awesome things we've done on this trip. We've camped with crocodiles (and I've actually really seen some in the water.. without a fence or anything between us..) and we've got photos with the sign at the really tip of the australian continent. We've camped at this one beach just in the night when the little turtles hatched. We've found them on the beach and released them into the ocean. Have you ever had a little moving
turle in your hand, smaller than your palms? I had! ^.^
I went fishing for the first time. Peter took me with Amanda and Azza in his little boat. When I tried to get in, I had to do a huge step into the boat out of knee-deep water and felt because it was slippery. I felt onto the fishing rods which were in the boat and had a HUGE black bruise just under my bumb. That hurt. Ô.o And I've done the actual fishing. Not on the boat trip, but at the beach at
nighttime. Awesome, I loved it! Especially because you get heaps of bites and it is not impossible to catch something. I needed two nights to understand how the whole thing works and what I am looking for and what I have to do when I get a good bite. And then I really caught something! Sharks, man! So now I am the best shark catcher ever, I had two little baby sharks of about.. 30-50 cm? Well, we realesed them but, shark doesn't taste very good. ^.^
Oh well, just to mention a couple of the most awesome and unique things I've done on the trip! Yeah man! <3
Antonia (: |
After the trip, we had to clean the car and the camper trailer Ô.o. That took about two days but especially the car looks brand-new again.
And for the new term I changed a few things, because... well, you know that I wasn't really happy during the first term with the whole family situation. Too much Antonia.
Well, since last week I catch the bus and I really like it by now. I'm still paying in cash, but whenever I have the next oppoertunity, I'll buy a buscard. It's easier and cheaper. And there is this one boy in my bus who is in my homegroupe as well! I've never really
noticed him before but well, we already had a tiny conversation and I will do my very best to make friends. It's just better to have a busfriend. By catching the bus, I am not that much with Antonia anymore and I feel way more independent and I can decide more what I wanna do. You have to know, I am at 4 pm at home now not at 5 or 6 pm or whatever. Therefore I have time to do my personal stuff or even some sport or when I really need it, some studying.
Well, that is not the only thing I changed, but probably the most important one. I wear my hair now a little different: in a ponytail and my fringe is put away with some bobypins. Love it, its cooler and I don't have annoying hair in my face. ^.^ I have another
muesli and eat now every morning one cup. Not more or less. And I have a cup of milo. I discovered my love to it on the camping trip, and it satisfies my anxiety for sugar (I put two teaspoon of sugar in it ^.^). I try really hard to make some sport whenever I can. Especially because I feel way better afterwards, and if it is only
10 minutes. I dont care, every minute is good. (: I come better along with Antonia since the bus change. If she is in her bad mood, I don't have to care about it, but she is in a good mood more and more often. And then, I enjoy it and she talks freindly and respectful with me and I feel very good. (:
Ah well, all together I feel very good in the moment and enjoy
Welcome to paradise! |
every hour here. It's great. (:
This Friday I slept over at Shayna's place and we went together to Gemma's birthdayparty. On Saturday, I had my first australian wedding with the whole family (exept of Wade who was working) and it was really good. I looked awesome. :D On Sunday I worked the entire day on assignments (ah yeah, they are back as well) and today I had a day off from school. It was I-don't-even-know-day and no school. Well, I finsihed the first of three questions for my maths assignment and then I got really frustrated because I have NO idea
We've fished here. |
what to do for the other two. Well, I helped myself with a big bowl of 10-minutes-microwave-package-pasta and a Disney movie on youtube. It helped. I ate a lot the whole weekend, especailly today. But okay. And I had a good conversation with Pete yesterday and today. YES, I know that is not so special or anything but I was happy afterwards.
Well, now I still have 4 days left of school until the next weekend.. I
Haven't tasted one. |
think I can do that. And I am really sorry for the late post. But now it's done. ^.^
Love to everybody! <3
Especially to my grandmother Omi this time. I thought so much about you the last weeks and wrote this post very special for you. <3 (:
That's how unpacking goes.. |
Pete's car with the tini (: |
City of termites |
Thats me with some.. |
that's Wade with some. |
One of the nighttime meetings ^.^ |
.JPG) |
First shipwreck I've seen in my life! |
Road to nowhere... |
That's one part of the 'old telegraphtrack' we've done |
Lunchtime |
Misty & Amanda |
Azza ^.^ |
Tchihi. |
Huii! ^.^ |
I've made a new friend.. |
My excuse? It was windy. VERY windy. |
EVERYBODY (exept from Pete and Azza) goes CRAAAAZY! |
Brandon's fishing! |
I try it as well. :D |
Awesome or awesome? |